
It was a weekend of doubles over at SportChamps with a couple of regular DFS players scooping multiple tournaments.

SportChamps run several racing tournaments every Saturday, including regular $10 and $25 betting tournaments that feature not just metro racing, but all racing meets around the Australia and New Zealand. The prize pools are pretty generous and with rebuys open all day, they often swell beyond the guarantee.

This weekend would see tournament veteran “rexel9” clean up in both feature racing tournaments for the day. Rexel9 steadily built a stack throughout the afternoon, mostly sticking with a Place bet strategy, before a late rush saw him land eight consecutive winning bets to finish the day. Rexel9’s start bank of $10,000 was up over $200,000 in both tournaments to claim the major SportChamps Saturday tournament and over $550 in prize money for the day. Rexel9 is the #2 ranked TopBetta player of all-time, and picks up some valuable ranking points to further boost his DFR ranking.

SportChamps Racing Tournament

Another double would come in the AFL tournaments at SportChamps where “Darkrealmx” scooped the victories in both the $25 and $10 AFL tournaments. Darkrealmx got going in both tournaments with a first goal scorer bet on Richmond’s Jason Castagna at juicy odds of $41. From there, he navigated his way through a tough weekend of AFL to turn his start bank of $10,000 into over $100,000 in both tournaments for a collect of over $700 in prize money.

If you have yet to try out SportChamps then we highly recommend you give them a shot. They offer an excellent range of tournaments including soccer, NBA, NRL, AFL, Racing and more, with low buy-ins, and even freerolls, for new players.